Today, much of Europe is characterized by what is known as post-Christendom, or the decline of Christianity. In a country known for famous cathedrals like Notre Dame and Sainte-Chapelle, it may be surprising to learn that the Christian church in France is dying. As Americans, it can be especially difficult to understand all the factors that have led to this – notably the persecution of French Protestants, their aspiration for religious freedom, and the French Revolution.
Most people in France today are skeptical of Christianity and claim to be atheists or simply have no interest in religion. As such, it is not a popular decision to follow Jesus. It is a bold act of faith when someone decides to do so. It may even cost them relationships with their family and friends.
Despite the notable decline of Christianity over the past few centuries, God is alive and moving in hearts in France! Our desire is to be a part of what God is doing there – specifically at Camp des Cimes, a camp ministry devoted to “being a haven in France for God to save the lost and strengthen the found.”
Serving alongside Christian missionaries and French counselors, our hope is to build relationships with French youth who do not know Jesus and create opportunities for Truth to be heard. We also strive to encourage and equip those who already know Jesus to live faithfully in a country where it is difficult to be a believer.
Yes, this country is beautiful – appealing to visitors worldwide because of its delicious food, historic architecture, and breathtaking scenery – but our hearts have been drawn to this country for reasons far beyond what tempts the eye and appetite.
God has invited us to be the light of the world here (Matt 5:14-16). God has changed us in big and small moments here. God has shown us glimpses of heaven on earth here. And we continue to hear Him calling us back.
This is why we return.
We invite you to prayerfully consider whether or not He is calling you to France too.